"American Indian the FORGOTTEN MINORITY "

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Another Summer Gone

I really hate for summer to come to an end, I love all of God's beautiful
work with nature and all of the beautiful colors. The only problem I had
with summer this year was my allergies started acting up more than
normal and it did get hotter than it normally does even for Texas.

But I am looking forward to winter more now because I love my
fireplace and I am counting the days till I can use it. I guess I should
not be rushing through any of the days winter or summer, but I don't think
it's me rushing as fast as it is the time it self...it seems like I no more than
blink an eye or maybe even just turn around and BAM it's another week
or month that has just flown by. I am told this happens after you reach a
certain age! I use to think that was just a joke but I think I am believing
it more and more now.

I try to pick out certain things I want to remember most that happened
during the summer but it seems like I want to remember pretty much
everything for some reason, even having to take my mother or dad to
the hospital for what ever the emergency was.
I guess when a person does get older that you don't want to forget
anything for fear you will not have those memories to draw on when you
do get older or start to have trouble with your mind and being able to
remember your hopes, dreams, and the good things that happened to you
and the ones you love so much!

I also think that with my mother having Dementia and everything that has
happened to her, and my dad having memory troubles now that I'm scared
I am in for the same problems and I want to try and remember as much as
I can and hopefully be able to tuck those memories so deep inside that if I
do end up with the same problems as my parents that some how I will be able
to draw upon my deepest part of and pull out all of the beautiful memories
and they will sustain me through the roughest part of getting older or dealing
with Dementia, Alzheimer or strokes if I do have to go through any of those
horrible things.

Although I will not actually have my dad's health problems so to speak of
because I found out he really isn't my father, on the other hand I do not
know exactly what other health issues I will have as far as that goes.
Be that as it may you take what ya get I guess and do the best ya can
with it.