"American Indian the FORGOTTEN MINORITY "

Thursday, December 24, 2015

The REASON for the SEASON is...JESUS

Wishing each of you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a BLESSED NEW YEAR for 2016!

To our MILITARY PEOPLE, I wish each of you and your families a very MERRY CHRISTMAS  and a SAFE and BLESSED NEW YEAR!

To Israel and my Jewish friends, I wish each of you a HAPPY HANUKKAH and for the NEW YEAR, BLESSINGS of PEACE, GOODWILL (from the CHRISTIANS in America) and may GOD keep you SAFE from DANGER, HARM AND!  

Helping to keep Ladies SAFER

Check out the website www.damselindefense.net or go to my website at 
www.mydamselpro.net/PRO11171/ and see how we ladies can help keep ourselves safer. 
We have several things to choose from, ex: Stun-guns, pepper sprays (different types), whistles, door alarm and more. 
Be glad to answer any questions, just go to comment, I will answer asap.

The Legends of Christmas

Christmas Wreaths
The wreaths of Christmas are very special symbols of the season. Wreaths represent a love that knows no end. Much like the wedding bands that couples exchange when married, the wreath has no beginning and no ending. So, too, the love which came down at Christmas is eternal love, and the wreaths symbolize the love of God that never ends.

The Christmas Tree Star
Christmas Star on top of the tree for the most part represents the Star of Bethlehem. Christians see candles as "Christ's Light" and the lighting of candles on Christmas Eve comes from the Jewish "Feast of Lights" or Hanukkah.

The Candy Cane
The candy cane represents one of the oldest symbols of Christmas, the shepherd's crook, for the shepherds were among the first to experience that first Christmas. The colors of the candy cane have special meaning, too. The wide red stripe represents the sacrifice of Christ, "For by his stripes we are healed." The narrow red stripes represent our own sacrifices (giving). The white stripe is a symbol of purity. The peppermint plant is a member of the hyssop family, referred to in the Old Testament as a medicinal herb used for cleansing. As you eat your candy cane, you might want to break it, as Christ's body was broken for you, and share it with a friend, thus sharing in the sweetness of the true meaning of Christmas. 

Christmas tree
The Christmas tree, which is an evergreen with it's boughs stretched toward heaven, reminds us of the everlasting life that Christ came to bring sinners. The candles or lights on the tree remind us that Jesus is the light of the world.

The Holly
The holly leaves and berries from the holly bush are widely used in holiday decorations. The sharp pointy edges of the holly leaf remind us of the crown of thorns that Jesus wore upon his brow. The red berries remind us of the blood that Jesus shed. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Please help put a smile on her little face!

I do not normally do things like this, but this beautiful little girl and her story has just broken my heart. The story I got was all of her family were killed in a fire, she is the only one that survived and she all most died her self. This precious little child was burnt over most of her little body.  She was ask what she wanted for Christmas and she said...Christmas cards! That is all this little girl wants is Christmas card, so PLEASE help me and send her a Christmas card for Christmas and lets see if we can put a smile on her face. In the process of sending her a card PLEASE say a prayer for her and maybe even put her on your prayer list. Thank you so very much!
Her name is Safyre and the address is in above her picture. Again I thank you with all my heart!

Pelosi taken apart by David Gregory on false Obamacare promises

 This IDIOT WOMAN NEEDS TO BE THROWN OUT OF OFFICE...how in the world she's been able to stay in any type of position since day one is embarrassing, humiliating, unbelievable, lack of any type of logic not to mention sense, pitiful beyond words and shows what a bleeping mess that is running our government! She is another one  that most assuredly along with her boss the so called president, the second clinton idiot and the others listed right along with them...the other jokes in office bidden and kerry show be ran out of the country on a slow leaky boat to china or africa or better yet to one of the arab countries and dropped right in the middle of the fighting!!!!!!! Oh, maybe right in isis' lap!!!!!!!  


Rand Paul Destroys Hillary Clinton Over Benghazi-Gate During Capitol Hil...

Senator Rand Paul HUMILIATES and EXPOSES John Kerry!!

It Only Took This Army Vet 3 Minutes To Destroy Obama's Gun Control Plan

GUN CONTROL - Bruce Willis, Ice T, Sandy Hook victim, Venteran, speak up -

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

AMEN John Wayne!!!!!!

I do not understand how or why our so called president can hate America so much that he will do and has done everything in his power to bring America down? I DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW THAT FOOL HAS STAYED IN OFFICE FOR AS LONG AS HE HAS!!!!!!!

Can always use prayers