"American Indian the FORGOTTEN MINORITY "

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Things getting back to normal...SLOWLY!!

Sorry for not updating sooner, I know it has been a while but so much has gone on and happened
in my life (so to speak) for the last while, I am still trying to find a way back.

1st off THANK YOU TO EACH OF YOU THAT HAS PRAYED AND THAT ARE STILL PRAYING FOR MEMBERS IN MY FAMILY!! The prayers have been tremendous and all of the prayer lists we've been put on is out of site...I can't thank each of you enough for your prayers! GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU!!!!!!

2nd for those that don't know what I'm talking about we found out my dad has cancer in his
pancreas and lower stomach, we've made several trips back and forth to hospital for test and Dr.
visits. They aren't going to do anything because of dad's age and health problems...not to mention
dad said he was through with more surgeries. So it is suppose to be a slow growing type of
cancer, at this point all we can do is wait and see.

Then one of my g.daughter's boyfriend had an accident, he was cutting trees down and one fell
on him hitting him in the head. Broke every bone in face and had serve concision. Has had three surgeries and will need more. Was in icu for wks, but is now home and is doing better.

My oldest g.daughter gave birth to a sweet baby girl the 13th of this month.(Very high risk pregnancy) this was her second child. After delivery she started having problems and was kept in hospital for a extra day or so. Then sent home, the next night had to be rushed back to hospital because of heart failure, and was in icu for several says. It has been critical for her most of the time but she is now home and the Dr. said it would be a very long and slow process for her.

My mother has had several TIA's, which for those of you that aren't familiar with that term...it is mini strokes.
(Either a few or a cluster of mini strokes.)
I will be adding info about tia's to my other blog if anyone wants to check it out.

Thank you each one of you again, I greatly appreciate everything so much!