"American Indian the FORGOTTEN MINORITY "

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wild Hogs in the Trap

Today I went with my son and my dad to see the wild hogs that were trapped. This time there were several babies in with the others, one I think was the mama to some, maybe all of the babies. My son traps and sells the hogs or kills and butcher's them. My dad helps with the trapping sometimes, he thinks that nothing can be
done with out him...he is 83 yrs. old and it is hard for him to stay on the side line now. He can't stop doing what he does but he isn't a young man any more either and just can't give it up.

My son is holding one of the babies to keep it from getting out of the pin through the small spaces like a couple of the others did. They had gotten the others but a few of the babies loaded up in the trailer and were trying to load the babies.

Jerry held up another one so I could get a better picture of it. They are so cute but will bite you in a nano second and will go to the bone.

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