"American Indian the FORGOTTEN MINORITY "

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
I hope each of your are able to spend at least some of the holidays with
your families and or friends.

I pray that God wraps his loving arms around you and keeps you and your
safe and blesses you in every way. I hope your health, your job, family,
friends, your love...what ever it might be all comes together for you and
you get the happiness you want.

I THANK OUR TROOPS/MILITARY that's in all corners of the world doing
their jobs for us, protecting us, keeping us safe from harm and F-R-E-E!
IS...OUR FREEDOM! And because of these BRAVE people and their families
we have out FREEDOM!

I pray God/Lord Jesus wraps his loving arms around each of them and blesses
each one and their families, that they are kept safe! I thank each of them for what
they are having to go through and the terrible conditions they are having to endure
in some areas. I thank each of their families for what they are doing and the HARD
SHIPS that they are having to go through also. I pray that it does get better for each
of them and that their loved ones come home safe to them.

I pray if you are by yourself this holiday season that you will remember you are loved
by some one out there.You might not know them yet but you will so please do not give
up! (But never forget that God/Jesus is always there for you and loves you deeply and fiercely!)

Most of all PLEASE remember the REASON for the season, not to buy as much as you
can for whom ever, or to spent/out spent on everything you buy, not to make yourself
look like a big shot, or go into debit (and make finances harder) /or more debit!

The reason is for "JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD!"

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